Post by K'Sennia Visitor on Feb 6, 2021 15:58:57 GMT
I saw a post on FB that was advertising the world's first videobook, so, of course I had to check it out. It's really just a video that summarizes your book, and adds visual things in like interviews and images and stuff. It doesn't replace your book, it's a supplement, or a video cliff's notes version of it. It seems like an okay idea, if you have the money/skills to put into it.
K'Sennia Visitor: *runs naked through the chat*
Dec 19, 2018 3:39:12 GMT
K'Sennia Visitor: *Goes for a swim* ah, this is lovely. The water is so warm because a hot spring runs right underneath. *Has a sit on a geyser*
Dec 22, 2018 4:47:24 GMT
K'Sennia Visitor: Cat claws, cat claws, running through the snow, dipshit, dustbin, frozen scone.
Feb 2, 2019 0:22:00 GMT
marmar: Have a great weekend!
Apr 5, 2019 7:36:23 GMT
K'Sennia Visitor: The world is quiet here.
Apr 8, 2019 7:16:37 GMT
K'Sennia Visitor: Awe thanks marmar! Hope you had a great, weekend, too.
Apr 8, 2019 7:16:58 GMT
K'Sennia Visitor: If you're a lurker and there's anything you'd like to see a post about, let me know and I'll start it, or you could start it yourself. You could try sending me a telepathic message but if I don't get it, try a PM.
Apr 17, 2019 0:48:42 GMT