Post by K'Sennia Visitor on Apr 6, 2020 1:32:02 GMT
This may be old news. I'm not sure if authors are still getting together to run collaborative box sets or not. But since I've been reading ancient history they have been on my mind, so I thought I'd start a thread on the topic. Here is one way I think a legit box set could be run.
1. It should not be set up by one person with the goal of that person enriching themselves off of others. All participants should have an equal stake. So for example, person one sets up the Facebook group/secret sub forum, and acts as webmaster - putting together the spreadsheets and contracts, and the important lists. A different person is in charge of the cover and will be the one to collect the money and pass it on to the cover artist. And then each group member volunteers to take charge of a different promo method, collecting funds, being the go-between, doing the research, etc. This way, everyone is equally involved, and the group cannot be turned into a cult of personality.
2. Every detail and wrinkle must be ironed out, and contracts signed before any money changes hands. None of this, "send me money, then you'll hear the details". The Full and complete TOS of every platform used must be read by every member, no being lazy and trusting what you hear. Everyone must be proactive. Group members should vote on the cover artist and the promotions used, all questions and concerns about each one worked out, all prices agreed to, and what happens if someone needs to drop out for any reason in the middle, or after money has been paid. The refund policy and procedure must also be ironed out before any money is exchanged.
3. Questions, concerns, and disagreements are welcome and anyone who can't handle not being loved and adored will not make it. I also don't think anyone should be able to be kicked out without group consensus and without a reason which has already been articulated and placed into the contract. If a problem erupts pre-contract, then it should be based on consensus and empathetic reason. If groupie C sent a nasty PM to groupie E for disagreeing with them on something, then that would be a good reason to kick them out because bullying should never be tolerated. But kicking groupie E out for disagreement would be childish and not allowed.
4. Your turn. What would you add or take away?
I imagine these rules could be used for any group project involving money, such as any collaborative writing project. Trust has got to be the biggest element, as well, as not placing anyone into a position where it would be too easy or tempting to cheat people or use their influence to do harm.