Post by writeway on Feb 22, 2020 6:28:55 GMT
AW hasn't been back a week and already they're bashing their favorite indie punching bag, Hugh Howey. Some of you might know Hugh has some new project going where he is inviting people to send him samples of their WIPs for guidance, etc. I admit it's kind of unclear what he's doing and I'm not saying he's doing anything wrong or right. I'm completely unbiased but it sure is irresponsible that AW is already warning people about it in their Bewares and Background section. From what I've seen, he's not asking for money or anything. Again, I don't completely get what the point of him doing this is (though some speculate he might be starting a publishing company). Either way it's completely reckless for people to start "warning" people of his intentions when it's obvious they themselves admit they don't know Howey's true motivation. But, what can you expect from the AW indie-haters. And just when I felt a little sorry for them being hacked they reminded me why I shouldn't. absolutewrite.com/forums/showthread.php?345412-Hugh-Howey-s-unclear-endeavor-of-some-sortWe really need to stop coddling adults in this industry. These are grown ups making their own decisions. If someone signs up for this then it's their responsibility to research the "ins" and "outs" of it and to see if it would be beneficial if not harmful to take part. I know some will just sign up because Hugh is doing it but if they let that cloud their judgment that's on them. I don't know why the AW police think they need to hold people's hands. What gets me is that the poster says something along these lines, "there is so much alarm I'm hearing from many people". Really? Hmm. I hang out in tons of writing groups and except for WritersSanctim and KBoards, no one in the groups I am in are even talking about it. Maybe all this talk is in other groups I'm not in but I'm in some popular FB groups. Maybe they are talking about it in groups like 20booksto50k but I left that group a few years ago. I'm in some other popular indie groups and haven't heard a peep. I doubt many have even heard of this yet. However this all turns out...we shall see. But the, "everyone agrees this is bad" sounds like a strawman line. At the end of the day, it's on us to be responsible and make the smartest decisions.
Post by thatwritergal on Feb 22, 2020 8:42:58 GMT
20Books just mentioned it as an opportunity with the caveat to "read everything". That's about it. No sky is falling like AW seems to be making it out as.
Funny, I wandered over there the other day but immediately felt exhausted over the new layout. It's horrible to navigate and it seems like they are still up to their old tricks. I agree about the coddling. I thought 20Books did it right (something I thought I would never say) when they mentioned it, gave a heads up and kept it moving. The hand holding from AW seems like concern trolling to me .
Post by writeway on Feb 22, 2020 16:04:21 GMT
20Books just mentioned it as an opportunity with the caveat to "read everything". That's about it. No sky is falling like AW seems to be making it out as. Funny, I wandered over there the other day but immediately felt exhausted over the new layout. It's horrible to navigate and it seems like they are still up to their old tricks. I agree about the coddling. I thought 20Books did it right (something I thought I would never say) when they mentioned it, gave a heads up and kept it moving. The hand holding from AW seems like concern trolling to me . Yeah the person posting on AW makes it sound like it's some huge, horrible thing everyone is alarmed about and I've only heard it mentioned a few places. When it comes to Hugh and AW, I don't believe anything they say because they have a personal vendetta against him. They banned Hugh years ago because they were so jealous toward his success. AW is not exactly unbiased with indies anyway but they sharpen their knives even more when it comes to Hugh and the bad part is, he can't defend himself there because he's blocked. Not that he'd want to waste his time there anyway. AW is full of it. If a trade author like Patterson or King were doing this AW would be going, "What a wonderful opportunity!" And sending work in by the truckloads.
Post by writeway on Feb 22, 2020 20:51:06 GMT
AW is pathetic. Now some poster posted that Hugh is being disingenuous by calling these "submissions" when they aren't and that's a BIG RED FLAG.
Uh, this poster obviously doesn't know what the definition of submission is. A submission is anything you present; document, proposal, whatever.
They are SO ridiculous over there. I see more than ever why someone knocked their behinds off line for weeks!
Post by prolificwriter on Feb 23, 2020 16:01:04 GMT
Not saying AW is in the right here (they’re pretty awful when it comes to indies), but I also found this call for submissions quite strange.
I don’t worship/trust someone just because they’re well-known for whatever reason, but obviously not many people feel the same. But I’m quite a suspicious individual by nature. Trust no one! Everyone (probably) has ulterior motives!
Post by writeway on Feb 23, 2020 17:39:11 GMT
Not saying AW is in the right here (they’re pretty awful when it comes to indies), but I also found this call for submissions quite strange. I don’t worship/trust someone just because they’re well-known for whatever reason, but obviously not many people feel the same. But I’m quite a suspicious individual by nature. Trust no one! Everyone (probably) has ulterior motives!I am the same way with how I handle any decision. And yes, some folks act like Hugh is some God but he's just an author. I don't get it. I don't know anything about Hugh accept that he became a bestseller and guru. I don't read the genre he writes, etc. I am not one who fawns over people so I just don't get how crazy some people get over authors or anyone. But back to the point, THIS is why I say people need to research themselves. Why does AW think they have to warn others when they aren't even giving out specific info as to why they find it a bad service? What I have seen from Hugh through the years is he seems to be a standup guy and I can't see him out there doing something to purposely hurt authors but we shall see. None of us know for sure. That's my point. It's dangerous to jump up and spread stuff when you don't have all the facts. And if this is a shady operation, it's up to the authors involved to know what they are getting into or to research. As for his motives, he claims he might start doing anthologies so I would guess he is going to be keeping his eye out on things that really shine. So, yes he probably is doing this to further some project or if the rumors or true, maybe open a publishing company. Usually when folks ask for submissions it's for a reason other than just looking at the stuff. This is a question I hope authors who are submitting have sense enough to ask. I'd want to know right off his intentions for my work. But hypocritical AW is not posting this just to warn others. No. AW has a vendetta against Hugh and that's why I do not believe they are doing this in "good faith". They hate Hugh over there and hated him even more when he got successful and he was banned before he became a bestselling author. They are doing this it seems to shame Hugh or to once again have a reason to be negative to an indie. I have seen many opportunities on AW like this offered from trade publishers, magazines, and trade authors and have never seen them say, "Oh, this is alarming, etc." No. If Nora Roberts or Simon and Schuster were doing this, they'd be celebrating it. That's the problem with AW. They are so blatantly anti-indie over there (dog whistles and all) that any time an indie does something they have to find something negative to say. If I saw this on a site for indies, I wouldn't have been so suspicious but on AW? Please. I trust them with mainstream industry news but not indie information (unless it's coming from a real indie over there and not the publisher worshipers). It's irresponsible to label stuff scams or whatever without having any sort of proof and it's happening more and more. I had to correct a new author the other day who on a public board flat out called Draft2Digital a scam because he didn't understand how it worked! He thought them getting a cut made them a scam. See? You can damage a business if you go spreading stuff like that when you don't know what you are talking about. Also, AW is so used to treating writers any kind of way, but they need to be careful with people like Hugh who have the means to fight back legally. There is a fine line between questioning a service and calling it a scam and just a few wrong words or phrases could end up a lawsuit.
Post by K'Sennia Visitor on Feb 24, 2020 1:49:23 GMT
Interesting. I hadn't heard about this as I've been lost out in the wilderness for a few. It looks like Hugh doesn't quite know what he wants to do yet, or how. He's basically pantsing it, which is why the details are so sparse. I think watching the workshops could be fun and informative, but I doubt I'd send anything in. Especially not before he decides whether he wants to rights grab anything. All of those details will be worked out eventually, once he has a chance to play around and figure out what he wants to do with it. But until then, I would say it's wise to either refrain from sending or send in stuff that you don't really care what happens to it. The editing feedback is definitely valuable. But Hugh really needs to be careful, too. This is an excellent way to get sued for stealing someone's idea if he ever publishes a story that resembles one submitted. Here's the link to Hugh's blog post about it, if you don't want to find it through the aw link. hughhowey.com/open-for-submissions/
Post by writeway on Feb 26, 2020 5:10:59 GMT
Interesting. I hadn't heard about this as I've been lost out in the wilderness for a few. It looks like Hugh doesn't quite know what he wants to do yet, or how. He's basically pantsing it, which is why the details are so sparse. I think watching the workshops could be fun and informative, but I doubt I'd send anything in. Especially not before he decides whether he wants to rights grab anything. All of those details will be worked out eventually, once he has a chance to play around and figure out what he wants to do with it. But until then, I would say it's wise to either refrain from sending or send in stuff that you don't really care what happens to it. The editing feedback is definitely valuable. But Hugh really needs to be careful, too. This is an excellent way to get sued for stealing someone's idea if he ever publishes a story that resembles one submitted. Here's the link to Hugh's blog post about it, if you don't want to find it through the aw link. hughhowey.com/open-for-submissions/ Great point. I agree that Hugh really, really needs to be careful. No way would I do something like this and I can't see many other authors offering to review someone's work this way. It's too risky. There are some writers out there who would send him work just to accuse him of stealing it. Hugh is putting himself in a sticky situation especially if there are no contracts signed and nothing spelled out. Anyone can come back and say he stole their work and as popular as he is, they'd do it just for publicity if not money. Also, someone actually made a good point on that AW thread. They mentioned how this could open a writer up to serious ridicule, etc. I wonder if the authors have thought about that. From my understanding he will be reading these and reviewing them online and who knows how followers will act toward the writers because of this. We know how vicious the Internet can be. Yep, risky on both sides.
Post by K'Sennia Visitor on Feb 26, 2020 5:57:52 GMT
Live critiques are common in the internet marketing world. Copywriters will often offer up their sales pages to be critiqued in front of a crowd. I’ve seen it a few times. But authors while some are marketers, too, a lot are more artiste, and we tend to feel much more personally about our stores than we would our sales letter. So that is a good point, too. I agree.
Post by writeway on May 12, 2020 18:57:50 GMT
Curious, but did this Hugh thing ever take off? Someone mentioned some interview he recently did and I just remembered this project. I haven't heard anything about it since he first mentioned it when I started this post. No one's talking about it. It had a pretty lukewarm reception and I don't keep up with Howey so I was wondering if he is still doing this review/critique thing.
Post by K'Sennia Visitor on May 17, 2020 19:42:49 GMT
His last blog post was in April, and his blog says he is sailing around the world. Dunno if that is literal or new. But if true he may not have much access to Internet right now.
Post by writeway on May 26, 2020 18:44:08 GMT
His last blog post was in April, and his blog says he is sailing around the world. Dunno if that is literal or new. But if true he may not have much access to Internet right now. I don't think the idea took off. I've heard nothing about it since he first announced it. I don't think it got the reaction he hoped for. I didn't see many authors signing on to it except for a few on Kboards. Didn't hear a peep about it on FB.
Post by K'Sennia Visitor on Jun 2, 2020 21:47:41 GMT
His last blog post was in April, and his blog says he is sailing around the world. Dunno if that is literal or new. But if true he may not have much access to Internet right now. I don't think the idea took off. I've heard nothing about it since he first announced it. I don't think it got the reaction he hoped for. I didn't see many authors signing on to it except for a few on Kboards. Didn't hear a peep about it on FB. I think if you want a project like that to take off you need to be very clear upfront about what you are asking for and what people get out of it. He was just too vague with it all, and then didn't do anything with what little response he did receive.