Post by K'Sennia Visitor on Oct 12, 2018 20:40:41 GMT
I have not written a screenplay, a stage play, or a radio play, although one time I tried by writing a scene all in dialogue. It was the night before a woman's wedding and she and her little sister were talking about how the sister moving out and getting married was going to change things. It was short, but emotional. I don't have it anymore. And I do have dreams of TUOK one day being a TV and Movie Series. Perhaps a series of mini-series like the Original V. And if I were ever optioned for TV/Netflix I would want to write the scripts myself. I do enjoy reading screenplays and they're pretty easy to find online. I watched the one-season wonder, "Happy Town" and then I read the pilot script and it was quite a bit different, though they were both good. As a novelist/world builder I often think of myself as a director, set designer, producer, etc. As indies we are all of those things, which is why it's so much work and so much fun! What about any of you lurkers or wonderful posting members? Share all of your screenplay, stage play, radio play, film script, TV scrip thoughts here.
Post by thatwritergal on Oct 13, 2018 12:16:31 GMT
Oh bummer you don't have that short scene anymore! You could have probably turned it into a short screenplay for a contest or something. Sounds like it would have made a good one. I'm with you, it'd be fun to write a series of tv shows or movies. I'd even enjoy doing some of those movies of the week situations. Schlocky, yes but they have a market and seem like you can write to a formula one after another. It'd be a great challenge for me, not to mention fun. I actually started out writing plays and then screenplays in high school which taught me how to structure and write a story. For the longest time, I was terrified of novels and thought I couldn't do them. Then I got older and learned lol. I kind of miss writing screenplays thought. I thought about going back to writing some but it seems even harder to get that into the hands of folks who can do something with it than it is with literary folk. Maybe I'll hold onto them and direct them myself like I wanted to when I was a kid!
Post by K'Sennia Visitor on Oct 13, 2018 17:35:04 GMT
If you have any type of community playhouses near you they might be someone to contact with your plays to see if they would be interested in performing them. Or perhaps contacting the theater department of a school. You could also try hooking up with a short filmmaker and working together for short film festivals/contests. That sounds like the easiest way to get into it if you want to go indie.
Post by possiblyderanged on Oct 15, 2018 14:07:27 GMT
I wrote a play for an English class once. My senior year book has lots of comments about it. The student teacher who assigned the lesson asked to take it to show her advisor how the assignment turned out for her. I gave her my only copy. I have dreams of writing a screenplay for a movie adaptation of Pat Frank's book, "Alas, Babylon". I just love the book and think it would make a great movie, and possibly better mini series. I'd like to do one set in the original time period (1950s), and one updated to modern times, with cell phones and social media.
Post by corabuhlert on Oct 16, 2018 4:12:31 GMT
I wrote an opera as a teenager. It was called "Sino and Sana" and is probably best lost to the mists of time. Though I can still recite some of the lyrics even all those years later.
Coincidentally, we'll be featuring a book about writing plays and getting them produced at the Speculative Fiction Showcase soon. I'll post the link in this thread, in case it's of interest to anybody here.
Post by K'Sennia Visitor on Oct 16, 2018 4:32:58 GMT
Cool. That book sounds interesting. I never wrote an opera, but I did write a few very cheesy religious songs when I was a teenager.
Post by corabuhlert on Oct 16, 2018 5:42:31 GMT
I liked operas and operettas a lot as a teen because they combined music and stories, two things that I loved. So of course I tried to write my own.
Post by corabuhlert on Oct 23, 2018 1:35:06 GMT
Post by possiblyderanged on Oct 28, 2018 22:02:26 GMT
Never did an opera, but I used to write parody songs, long before I ever heard of Weird Al. I bet an opera would be fun!
Post by dormouse on Oct 30, 2018 13:09:08 GMT
I've never written a play or screenplay. I'm not sure that I've ever had an idea that would work as a play, and selling a screenplay has always seemed incredibly difficult even for writers with an established reputation and contacts in the industry. And getting it actually made once sold is no easier.
I do, however, think I have an idea that would work very well as a film or maybe a six episode TV series and might be saleable. If I ever start working on it (a very big if), I'll write it as a novel but plan and write a screenplay concurrently. The thinking being that if the novel were successful enough I might then be able to sell the screenplay and I wouldn't want to have a lot of restructuring for the screenplay.